How Much Should You Spend on a Wedding Gift? -11 Etiquette Tips

How Much Should You Spend on a Wedding Gift? -11 Etiquette Tips Wondering how much to spend on a wedding gift? It's a fair question — as wedding invites start to pile up, dollar signs might also start to flash. The idea of having to spring for flights, hotels, bridesmaid dresses, and then — on top of everything — a wedding present for each occasion can become a serious source of stress for wedding guests. Complicating matters more is the seeming lack of concrete wedding gift etiquette. Questions, like how much to give for a wedding gift, start to come up. When do you buy the gift? Can you buy gifts outside the registry? Is giving cash gauche? Here, answers to these questions and more, with expert insights from Kylie Carlson, the CEO of the International Academy of Wedding & Event Planning . 1. How much should I spend on a wedding gift? According to a recent study from the American Express Spending and Saving Tracker, the ...