Haunted Punggol Flat

 Story taken from: https://asiaghosts.com/ & https://asiaghosts.com/haunted-punggol-flat

This story came from my friend’s brother Alvin who managed to get a flat in Edgedale Plains, near to the Canadian pizza.. For those who are not familiar, this is in Punggol Sengkang region in Singapore.

Alvin and his girlfriend of 3 years, Qianrong balloted for a flat in this area as their parents were staying nearby and when they finally got a queue number less than 50, they were exhilarated .. They went to 2 different fengshui master to ask them to help select a unit in one block that they were aiming..

As the block had different columns, it also meant all orientation the flat’s main door facing were different. Ended up each of the master gave 5-6 different units and all did not have any overlapping units.. Ended up they got the general feedback from both master, like which orientation should the flat be facing , example like facing north, etc etc, and also factor in like sunrise light or whatever, and they ended up with a unit on the 8th floor though this unit wasn’t any of the 10 over units that were suggested. Partly also because the mother want 8 cause very lucky.

They had done the stuff like opening the door, sprinkling the whole house with tea leaves, rice, rolling pineapple from the living room into each room.. Do note that both the couple are catholic but they are ok with their parents doing it as long as no need to place altar in the house.

When they first moved in, they were very happy, going to IKEA during every weekend to do up their dream home.. They didn’t had budget for much renovation but did basic stuff like wardrobe of course. After 2 months, they finally held their housewarming.. They placed a buffet along the corridor(they were the first few to move in) and also invited neighbor from the other side of the same floor.

His neighbor was this signed on regular who had a small kid, Alex and keep running around the house playing and the guest kept playing with him as he looked very cute, and his presence made the housewarming even more lively than it already was . When the regular passed Alex a plate of food from the buffet, Alex took the plate and ran into the room..

Qianrong thinking that Alex might dirty their new bedroom, went into the bedroom and ask how come he was eating in the bedroom instead of playing outside as there was air con in the living room. And Alex replied “I want to accompany sister eat” and Qianrong just asked “Which sister?” casually since there were so many sister in the house and she didn’t thought anything was amiss. She chua sai when Alex replied “The one inside the cupboard”.

Qianrong just said “okok you slowly eat” then faster walk out spooked and went up to Alvin and pulled Alvin to a side and told him that. Alvin brushed aside and say that the kid might be talking nonsense, how can there be ghost in this world, let alone the house is so crowded now.. But looking at how disturbed Qianrong was, he went into the room and ask Alex how come he didn’t eat outside cause got aircon.

And this time, Alex didn’t reply him, he put his finger to his lips and smile. Alvin then squat down and ask what was he doing? Alex said softly “I am going to play with sister”.. Alvin then became concerned (not because worry for the kid but was quite paranoid that people say his house got ghost, and he was a very staunched catholic) ask “what sister?where? What is the color of her clothing?”.

Suddenly Alex eyesight darted from the cupboard and then towards the window and he pointed and cry. Alvin hush him and asked him not to cry and ask him what happened, where is the sister? Alex replied and said “the sister jump out of window” when prompted further how this sister looked like, the parents of the kid came in and apologized and carried him out of the master room.

This left Alvin and Qianrong both in the room, and they looked at each other. They have heard tons of “true” ghost stories but have never encountered one, not to mention in their own house on housewarming day. Alvin then reassured Qianrong that the kid was talking trash and told her dont worry about it and go out entertain the guest. The day ended and it was around 11pm, and they wanted to retire for the night, off the TV in the living room and proceeded to off the lights when Qianrong said “can we don’t sleep in the masterbed room tonight? I am abit disturbed by what the kid said.

Alvin tried to talk to Qianrong but noted that she was really quite disturbed, in fact to be even in the same house and both decided to sleep in the guest room on the 2 single bed..

Qianrong was paranoid of the surrounding and chose to sleep in the bed against the wall so that she only has to sleep facing the rest of the room wither he back against the wall as security. As it was furthest away from the door, the position she was sleeping in could see out of the doorway into the toilet, but of course they slept with air con so the door was closed.

Soon after, she dozed off since she had a tired day entertaining the guest and cleaning up after that . In the middle of the night, she was suddenly awoke by the sound of the toilet light switch being pressed (the tiak sound) and at that moment she opened her eyes wide being scared shietless again, and just lie still without moving at all. After a few second, she suddenly sit up with her back against the wall and what she saw, she couldn’t handle.

At the bottom of the room door, there was this thin gap between the door and the floor and by right it should be dark since the lights outside were off. But the moment she stood up, she saw light coming from outside of the room, meaning indeed the toilet lights were switched on and the light was coming through the gap and within a split second, the lights went off again.

She immediately called out to Alvin , and she didn’t even dare to go over to nudge Alvin as they were sleeping in different bed and there was a space between the two beds. Alvin was snoring, and after a few times of calling out to him, she became tulan and shouted. Alvin was then jolted up from his sleep asking her whats wrong.. Qianrong accounted the incident to him and he assured Qianrong that its fine although it was obvious that from his fully awake face , he was scared as well. He went on to on the lights and told Qianrong that he go out check on the toilet. When he opened the door and then went on the on the lights of the toilet and open the toilet door.. He looked around and even behind the toilet door.

Do note that Qianrong now has full view of the toilet as she can see straight into , from her position.. After checking, Alvin then turned around towards the room and said “nothing leh” and suddenly his eyes became wide open, pointed to Qianrong and said very loudly “eh!!!!!”.

Qianrong screamed and then said even louder “????eh????????!?!” Alvin immediately came into the room and his face changed again, and he told Qianrong he saw a woman standing beside the bed just in between his view and Qianrong, meaning that this lady was somewhat transparent and it was her back view facing Alvin..

Qianrong kept asking Alvin how how how, but Alvin didn’t have any answer. The both of them assure each other that it must be their mind pulling tricks and it be a test, they held hands and started praying and reciting verse from the bible, but they kept their eyes wide open and kept looking around. After a while, they felt more calm and decided to go back to own bed and lie down because their back were quite ? after sitting up for some time. But this time, with the lights on.

The night went on and it was dawn. Alvin and Qianrong both applied urgent leave, set off to the mum’s flat and discussed with her about this. Somehow when they were closing the door and locking it, they felt a sense of relief with their back against the door and walking away from it. It was the first brush they had with the supernatural, both fair share for Alvin and Qianrong.

After a super lengthy discussion with Alvin’s mother.. She decided to go seek help from a nearby temple where they had this medium. And they were lucky it was the night where they held consultation. Alvin and Qianrong insisted that they will not go, but do not mind the mother seeking help. When the mother reached there, the medium told the mother even before she could relate the story. He said “Your kid’s room has something, followed back from outside, but they don’t believe so I cannot help them.” The mother then asked who was it, and what it wants? The medium spoke to the toh tao (the helper beside the medium/ the translator) and toh tao instead told the mother to wait one side. The medium then spoke to the toh tao some stuff and then the toh tao handled the mother one talisman that the medium wrote.. And told the mother to have it ingested by the couple.

When the mother went back to her flat, Alvin and Qianrong asked her what was the outcome , the mother related what happened at the temple and told them to ingested the talisman with water after burning it. At that point, Alvin and Qianrong told it was absurd as it wasn’t a solution to them, and burning talisman and ingesting it was beyond their world of logic comprehension..

Ultimately, Alvin said he will take it but Qianrong insisted she wouldn’t take it. To which the mother say “Those young people don’t believe, see what is happening now..” and after Qianrong show black face, Alvin said they better go home earlier and both of them left. It was already 10pm when they left.

As the lift went up, they both stood quiet in the lift and Qianrong asked “You think tonight will be ok or not?”and Alvin assured her and told her to trust the lord and the lord would not allow any harm to happen to them and she must have faith in the lord, to which Qianrong replied “I know but I’m still a bit scared”.

That night, nothing happened except during the next morning, Qianrong told Alvin that she didn’t sleep the whole night, partly because she was scared and also because Alvin was snoring so loudly. Alvin then said “huh I scared you can’t sleep, so I was playing iphone whole night until you woke”.

After that day, they went over to bunk in with their mother which was already crowded as a 3 room flat, and they soon rented a place to stay.

I don’t know the ending of the story because they chose to turn away and also didn’t approach the church for help or any sort. They have since allowed their Malaysian relative kids who came out to apply to study here at a school nearby but they have not heard of anything from the kids since.


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